Mission Trip 37 – Kitale, Kenya. Update 1

Currently Team 37…. Tony, Eldon, Phyllis, Sherry, Raymond, and Pete are visiting the Lord Servants Home in Kitale, Kenya for over a week and serving the resident children, the Bridgeway Hope Academy Primary School, several affiliated churches, and the community of Lyavo. There are repairs being made to the facilities, sewing, Children’s Bible, and Pastor’s classes being taught. All High School and older children are being visited and accessed regarding how we can help get them started into a productive and independent adulthood. Community projects were initiated to upgrade a well with a hand pump at a school, repair a bridge, and replace one that was washed away during the historic flooding this past year.

Most importantly on these trips, we pray to be used by the Holy Spirit and that usually comes in an unexpected form. Unfortunately a young boy named Amos from the 8th grade at the Academy and a resident at the Lord’s Servants Home, fell sick, was taken to the hospital, and passed away in the first few days of the trip. Incredibly sad as this is…. God’s timing is perfect, Tony and the team where there at this specific time. They are there for the family, teachers, fellow students, and staff to help and pray for God’s peace in this time. Please join us in prayer.

Amos. Too soon.

Ray, Pete, Sherry, Phyllis, Eldon, and Tony.