Current State of MSM Ministries, 2024. (Hint…awesome)

Trips to visit the MSM sponsored ministries and projects in Kenya and Uganda were made by two teams in January and February. In summary the excellent state of things at The Lord’s Servants Home, Bridgeway Hope Academy, Community projects and church in Lyavo, (Kenya), Teso Evangelism support ministry (Kenya), Child Redeemed Mission Home, Promise Primary School, Rock View Primary School, and the Community projects and church in Bwase (Uganda) were witnessed. A report in 17 minute video format follows. All Praise and Glory to God.

Merry Christmas in Africa and Thank You from Mission Servants Ministry.

Thank you all for your continuing support of Mission Servants Ministry and our work in Kenya and Uganda with 2 Children’s Homes, 100 Sponsored Children, and 3 Schools with nearly 1,000 kids. All of our efforts are funded 100% by individual donors. We praise God for His provisions in this way and we trust we will have what we need. 

Please pray about continuing to help with your gifts or newly joining us to strengthen our reach and efforts. Over 97% of donation are used in direct support or projects. Follow us at or on Facebook at Mission Servants Ministry to see what is going on with our trips in January and activities to show the love of Christ in our work with our kids and communities. Thank you again for your prayers and heart.

Here are some Christmas photos of clothing and food given to sponsored kids from the Lord’s Servants Home and Child Redeemed Mission Home. These kids are fully supported by MSM.

Spiritual Fruit in Uganda.

The Missionary Nature of Mission Servants Ministry

Here is an awesome story, the kind of story that reminds me of the 1st Century Churches. Spirit driven people begin working in a community to solve basic problems, feed and safeguard orphans, bring medical assistance, facilitate education, provide clean water, fill the air with children’s sounds of joy and hope, and valuing the old and homeless. A church begins to grow to thank God for His grace and blessings and sparking a desire to learn and share the good news. The lost are saved, seeing the love of Christ shared in a practical and scriptural way, and hope and gratitude is predominant. The church matures and is Holy Spirit compelled to reach out to the lost and suffering in a powerful and loving way that they never would have dreamed before. The resulting fruit is amazing.

The Bwase Redeemed Church (BRC) arose from within the Child Redeemed Mission (CRM) Home in Uganda as a means to feed the children spiritually and involve the community in a place to worship and know Christ Jesus. The church has bloomed over the recent years and initiated partnership projects with Mission Servants Ministry (MSM) to serve the poor, sick, and elderly in the community. Medical clinics, widows homes, and constant acts of compassion are some loving things happening in the BRC.

A few weeks ago the BRC without input or assistance from MSM and in obedience to a call by the Holy Spirit, organized a crusade, outreach, and Bible study in a predominantly Muslim community called Kisege, Uganda about 25 km away. The crusade ended up expanding to 5 days due to passionate response. This was very exciting for the BRC members. The Kisege Redeemed Church (KRC) was planted.

Here Pastor Emma of BRC and Director of CRM Home explains…..Monica, one of our church members together with her husband invited us to preach the Gospel to her parents who live in this community called Kisege. They told us about their community and the much need for the gospel. The majority of the community members believe in superstition and they have a big tree in which they believe there is a spirit governing the community so they sacrifice goats, offer money, clothes, and other gifts to that so called god under the tree! They also have a big number of Muslims with a big mosque. When I heard about all that I felt like an arrow in my heart, the Holy Spirit convicted and stirred up my spirit restlessly to lead a team to preach the Gospel to the entire community. I shared it with the church and the church welcomed it with much support financially including food and donated clothes, and a team of about 40 people went with me and Peter (another Pastor) to preach the Gospel both door to door and crusade for five days from 23-27/May/2023. We went to Kisege, Kamuli district to preach the gospel in a community with much need for the Gospel. It is a Muslim and superstition based community with a community shrine and no born-again church around. A number of people confessed Christ as their lord and savior including an Anglican Church priest. We baptized them and planted a church in that community. We are so grateful to the Lord for allowing it to happen. About 50 people came to Christ. We ordained Ronnie (Young leader from BRC) to take care of that new church. Yesterday was the second Sunday service and about 5 more people also joined the new church. I mean the number of members is increasing we thank God for that and ask God to strengthen them in Christ. One of the new believers allowed us to begin fellowshipping from her home. We give God the glory.

Please pray for the Kisege Redeemed Church and new Christians.

Trip 38 to Uganda and Back

We have returned home from a great trip to the Child Redeemed Mission Home, Promise Primary School, and Rock View Primary School. I’ll post more in the near future about bringing forth healthy abundant water from the ground, pushing back the darkness with power, funding projects beyond the reach of whole communities, enabled many small business to start and grow, encouraged and empowered a church and evangelism teams, and showed a lot of discarded and vulnerable children and people that they are valued. My personal prayer requests were mercifully filled and we were all blessed.

Here are a few photos of the best things that happened….Thank you all for your prayers and support!

Next Trip…#38, to Uganda, May 11

There is a lot going on at our served ministries, particularly at Promise Primary. We finished enclosing the compound in a fence for security, drilled a water well last month, currently constructing two Dormitory Buildings and a large water tank stand. Power will be wired into PPS for the first time after wiring over 1 km from town (in Uganda, you need to pay for the poles and wires). We will work to organize and complete these projects and leave the school with more class and dorm space, power, lights, and running treated water. The community will also have clean water access. There are a number of other projects at Child Redeemed Mission Home as well as just enjoying visiting those little Humans. As an engineer working in missions….this is really fun! Imagine the switch flip that ends darkness at night, and the valve turn that ends hours of work for dirty water. We will be the lucky ones to see that but give thanks to all who have supported MSM and praise to God!

Please pray for our provisions (these projects are costly) and for good weather (too much rain will be a problem).

Here are some current status photos…. Girls and Boys Dorms under construction.

Water well and tank stand with chlorinator under construction.

Power being installed at PPS…