Mission Trip 37 – Kitale, Kenya. Update 1

Currently Team 37…. Tony, Eldon, Phyllis, Sherry, Raymond, and Pete are visiting the Lord Servants Home in Kitale, Kenya for over a week and serving the resident children, the Bridgeway Hope Academy Primary School, several affiliated churches, and the community of Lyavo. There are repairs being made to the facilities, sewing, Children’s Bible, and Pastor’s classes being taught. All High School and older children are being visited and accessed regarding how we can help get them started into a productive and independent adulthood. Community projects were initiated to upgrade a well with a hand pump at a school, repair a bridge, and replace one that was washed away during the historic flooding this past year.

Most importantly on these trips, we pray to be used by the Holy Spirit and that usually comes in an unexpected form. Unfortunately a young boy named Amos from the 8th grade at the Academy and a resident at the Lord’s Servants Home, fell sick, was taken to the hospital, and passed away in the first few days of the trip. Incredibly sad as this is…. God’s timing is perfect, Tony and the team where there at this specific time. They are there for the family, teachers, fellow students, and staff to help and pray for God’s peace in this time. Please join us in prayer.

Amos. Too soon.

Ray, Pete, Sherry, Phyllis, Eldon, and Tony.

Making a Difference…Lord’s Servants Home Kid, Joseph

The oldest child at the Lord’s Servants Home (LSH) in Kenya in 2007, when Mission Servants Ministry (MSM) began sponsoring them was Joseph…a tall, polite, and serious boy. He was the Big Brother for everyone. He went on to do well in school, got a college degree, and now is running for a district political office as Member of County Assembly (MCA) in order to help his community.

Joseph has spent the last year learning about the critical needs in his community and instead of promising to do something, he organized action and fixed dire problems. MSM has worked with Joseph and his team on eight clean water oriented projects, providing materials, while the community provided labor. Some of these projects were refurbishing springs and wells and others were providing bridges and safe roads to reach the water sources. Literally thousands of people have been blessed with a clean and plentiful water source through these projects.

I love water projects and MSM has implemented many in Africa. Africans say that Water is Life. Jesus said that He is the Living Water. Both water and Living Water should be available to all! Many of the 8 projects organized by Joseph were finished with less than $1,000. It just takes a leader to organize, define, and sell a vision. Well done and praise God.

The election is August 8. Godspeed Joseph.

Photos from the eight projects….

Before and After

2020 MSM Year End Report

2020 was a crazy year and COVID19 may have kept kids out of school in Africa and stopped a few mission trips but it did not slow us in our purpose of service.  We had, in fact, a very productive and loving year working for Children, Widows, and the Needy. The year end report has been archived to the website and can be linked here.   2020 Year End Report    Thank you all for your prayers, encouragement, involvement, and support.  It is an honor to work with you all and to realize that this is humbly, how God works through us.

Bob Hillebrand, Director – Mission Servants Ministry

Trip 25 – Kenya, Update 1

img_0521LSH team Tuesday, 29 January

From Team Leader Tony Yoder

We arrived on the 24th. The non-stop flight from JFK to Nairobi was great. We had a wonderful Ethiopian meal with Jackson our driver, his wife and a missionary couple with Avant Ministries in Nairobi that evening. Our flight to Kitale on Friday was good and we arrived to a joyous welcome of singing and dancing by over 100 kids. We jumped right in to work. Saturday we went to the High School and had a wonderful time with the LSH kids that were there as well. We also had devotions with the 10 children that were just starting their 9th grade year. Sunday three of us went to church here at LSH and two of us went to Kitale Community Chapel. The services were excellent and pastors are eager for teachers or trainers to come work with them. Monday and Tuesday we have been going full blast:

img_0519Projects complete or near complete:
Swing set cemented in.
Security lights and girls dorm lights in.
New batteries installed for girls dorm and dinning hall
School lighting all repaired.
School desks repaired
School security lights installed
Benches made
Guest house control panel and new batteries installed
Water tanks cleaned and new valves installed
Guttering fixed.
Solar sidewalk lights installed
Boards and metal for tank platform cut and painted.


The team visited Mercy and her family.  She had her leg amputated a few months ago due to severe bone cancer and is finishing up her chemo treatment.  This was sponsored by MSM.  Mercy is a beautiful and promising High School student and one of 12 in her family that could not afford to treat her cancer.


The big project starts tomorrow. We begin to work on water tank repairs and new chlorinator installation.

Please pray for us. We have stockpiled water in 4 tanks around the compound in case we end up without water for a few days while working on the water tank project. If things go smoothly (they seldom do) we should have the water back on tomorrow night.

Lord’s Servants Home Directors, Pastor Ken Mudenyo and wife Evelyn.

Bobby, Charles, Ed, Eldon and Tony

Trip 16, Update 5, Goodbye Kenya-Hello Uganda

Team Kenya has all safely moved to their next destination.  Three of the team traveled with Pastor Moses and Dr. Ben to the Stream of Hope Home in Uganda to meet up with  the team there.  I’ll update more about SOH next time.

Here are a few happy pics before the team left the Lord’s Servants Home in Kenya.


…and the first ever water balloon fight!